When I was a child... my wall was completely covered with pictures... every memory documented for me to flash back at when I want.... However, a few days back I looked at my room and I realized I have no pictures around anymore and it frustrated me... so I did a little picture project (since I'm no longer allowed to STICK things on my wall, lol)....
And here is the outcome:
My super amazing family in my "Love Frame": L (love you) dad, O (only you) Mom, V (love you forever) Mondyyy and E for my amazing little brother (endless love to you) Mon! Perfect frame choice for the perfect family anyone can ever every wish for! You make my life awesome by all means!
A collage of pictures for my and my friends; from the top: Nahla (we've previously agreed that we perfectly utilize each other as emotional dumpsters), Karim Nabil (miss u keteeer wallahi); Viva, Samy, Mariam and Monday in Vivoz wedding; the Taba girls Trip that was tons of fun, my gorgeous manager and FRIEND Noody (muah), Self (whom I adore), Viva again (please live in the same country ba2a), Attia & Nagiub my amazing friends and brothers (plz come back Attia), Hurgada trip the Tiab's and Mekhail's (the 4 sisters); Serin in Egypt with my lovely Youzz (amazing reunion), my amazing FP7 (first real job) team; and the Ahly-Barcelona outing with the Tiabs and Habib's :)

And my final corner; the Tiab's and Mekhail's again (love u girls, can never express how much I do); Salsa and Azooz getting married (amazzzing day and amazing friends) and I miss you babe gidan gidan always always; and last but not least akeeeed: LANOULL my best-EST friend (always and forever regardless how far) in the world in her recent visit to Cairo (YAY, still can't believe that actually happened after six long years) and another tiny Friends Forever frame from the good old Saudi Days that I honestly miss each and every singly day!
Know that if you're on my wall... you're definitively in my heart!
Trust in a perfect picture you may not look your best! But you'll feel your best! With the best company creating the best memories ever!
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