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Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Walk Down Memory Lane...

I'm sure we all get these self evaluation moments... where for no good reason all the memories and experiences flash like a movie right in front of you... And most probably... they're the things you miss, the experiences that didn't end too well... the things you expected for them to be with you today, but they're not...

So last few days I have been on memory lane, and it kind of depresses you a little... in the beginning it seems like there are certain things and people that you have expected for them to be with and they're not... but with deeper thought, you realize that maybe these experiences were not really meant to happen...

I've taken the time to look at my previous memories... and I can confidently say that may be I'm not excited or happy about the way things ended... but sooner or later they were going to end. May be the end could have been tweaked a bit, slightly modified, extended a little longer but in a million years they would have not been a success. There were too many odds that would have stopped them from happening... So when you come to think about them, maybe the sooner they ended the better...

Of course there are things I wish I had done differently or not done at all... but the truth is... sooner or later it wasn't going to happen. They were stories meant to end before completion. Before I fought too hard to make them happen, but now I can say it to myself, that they were never going to see light!

And of course now that I'm calmer and more chilled I wonder why did they happen in first place. However, I gotta say that it's called experience for a reason. To learn! True, now I don't see why I was upset or why I wished they would work... but I learned!

And I think the main lesson learned is to know, admit and acknowledge when a battle is lost, when it is okay to let go... When it is not called giving up but rather accepting the facts of life. The things that seemed impossible and hard to accept in life, also unbearable are now memories that are years, months or weeks back... And we are still here... Alive and kicking! And still going on!

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