We’re celebrating our good moments with our families and friends, our accomplishments, our growth, our maturity, our fun memories... we’re celebrating with the ones we’ve got closer to this year and the new friends and people we gained in our life… we’re celebrating the things we’ll be carrying with us to 2011 because we believe they make us happy!
In the same time, we’re trying to get rid and forget the things that upset and hurt us, the wrong decisions we’ve taken, the bad memories of 2010. We make resolutions (that we may not necessarily follow) in hopes of avoiding these things in 2011.
As I mentioned before, I usually end up having the same resolutions every year, so this time I asked people to send me their resolutions… let me share so of the interesting and common ones:
To learn to forgive and forget…
To never hold grudge…
To stop talking to the fools who makes us feel like crap…
To loose weight…
To quit smoking…
To get over ex-es...
To get back to ex-es…
To find the right partner…
To tell the person you love that you love them…
To get married…
To getting the best wedding dress…
To have the wedding of your dreams…
To get kids…
To learn to let go…
To learn to hold on to people who matter to you…
To meet new people...
To know when it's time to let go of people...
To learn how to draw the line...
To learn to say NO...
To be more flexible...
To learn how to make compromises...
To learn how to deal with anger…
To do better in school…
To grow at work…
To change jobs...
To save more...
To work less...
To work more...
To balance your work and personal life...
To peruse higher levels of education…
To never study again…
To start your own business…
To party less…
To party more...
To read more…
To kill fools on the streets…
To cuss the fools on the street less…
To try and make Egypt better…
To get the hell outta here…
To show your family you care about them more…
To always be there for your parents…
To get over the past and move forward...
To get rid of bad habits…
To never change for anyone…
To pray more…
To believe that God does what’s best for you…
To the believe that the best is yet to come…
To cry less…
To laugh more…
To be less depressed…
To never give up or quit…
To take life more seriously...
To take life less seriously...
To have inner peace…
To make better use of time...
To learn to enjoy life…
SO… these are the resolutions I got, surprisingly a lot of people share the same ones and we donno! I think it's easy to guess which ones belong to males and which ones belong to females (as usual, lol)... some are fun, some are serious, some contradict each other and some complete each other...
And whether we manage achieve these resolutions or not... if you think about it, these are things we believe would make us happy, the things that would make us feel better about our life... the things we'd like to change.

I wish you all (and myself) a very happy 2011… full of all the stuff that makes us happy, smile and worry free, hopefully less of the stuff that upset us.
Hoping dreams come true, hoping things get better and believing that the best is yet to come. Believing deep down that if you really ask God to make 2011 better for you and to let it go according to His plans rather than yours… it’ll be an amazing year!
Have yourself an amazing evening, have fun and create memories that will last a lifetime… and we’ll be talking again in 2011.
Happy New Year!
And I guess the resolution that wins this year is for Egypt to be a better place...