No one can deny that on February 12th, 2011 we all woke up to a completely different Egypt…
I won’t claim that I was one of the people in Tahrir Square, because I wasn't… but anyone in Egypt or outside can agree that January 25, 2011 until February 11, 2011 really made history in Egypt…
Throughout this revolution, every time some changes were made I would think to myself “WOW, who thought this would happen in Egypt.” And I’d tell myself, “That’s it… what more do the people want… we’ve already taken leaps of advancement, they should know that’s all we’re getting. It’s time to go home!”
BUT… the people were determined and they had a BIGGER dream and they were persistent to achieve it…
February 11, 2011, around 6 p.m., The BIG announcement was made… the success of the Jan. 25th Revolution was announced… the people accomplished what they’ve dreamed for and worked very hard to achieve!

The "power of the people" proved to be stronger than anything else... their amazing will proved to miraculous...
I cannot begin to describe the look and feel of the Egyptian streets… it was beyond words can tell… you’d have to be there to know it… but it was unbelievable!
My reaction was quite delayed… I fell in complete and utter silence because I confused... I personally had very mixed feelings.
Disbelief… I wouldn’t have thought in a million years that the Mubarak regime would end, and above all end this way….
Happiness… for it was a successful revolution made by the people for the people no question asked…
Thankfulness... for all those who helped bring about this historical change...
Pride… for living and seeing this achievement and for knowing what Egyptians are capable of…
Relief... for knowing that those who died during these 18 days didn't die in vain... and again I send my gratitude, respect and condolences to their families and beloved ones...
Uncertainty… for we don’t know what is happening next… and I don’t think there will be certainty until September 2011 when we have a better vision for the future and things begin to stabilize...
Sadness… for I wished people would show a little more respect to someone who has served the country for over 30 years on many different levels, even if the system had many downfalls… He has been Egypt’s symbol for very long… and deep down I still really wished for a better exit for him…
Regret… For I have been very passive in the past… I have witnessed the change and not taken part in it… perhaps because deep down I never thought it would happen; now I know I’m wrong…
Optimism… for a better a future for Egypt…
Fear... for I'm worried we regret any of this in the future...
Trust… for now I know Egyptian people are stronger and more confident than before and they will not allow the country move anywhere but forward…
An even BIGGER trust… for I know God will never leave Egypt alone and that all will work for the benefit of the people and the country…
What happened yesterday is a HUGE success no question asked… however, I feel it’s the beginning of a loooooooong way to go for all of us…
We will have a new president which we hope would lead us to a better Egypt, but we need to work on ourselves as well to making Egypt better for us and no one else… all the little things that we don’t think they matter, they do…
Let us clean up the roads, listen to each other, respect each other, accept our differences, follow the traffic, show respect to people of all sorts of standards, help build Egypt, invest in the stock, travel internally, be fair, work ethically, smile at each other, be there for each other... and all the things we know we used to ignore before simply because everyone else was doing them... let's stop them because they all matter... and changing them will help us move forward!
This change is enormous… and it’ll take forever to happen again! So let’s make the best use out of it…
Let’s pray for Egypt… we have a long way to go… let’s come out of this experience stronger and more united so we can move forward…
Again… today I woke up knowing Egypt is different… knowing things will never be the same again… and although my feelings are still mixed up, I’m hoping it all works well for our country…
Long Live Egypt and God Bless Egypt At All Times…
No one can deny that on February 12th, 2011 we all woke up to a completely different Egypt…
I won’t claim that I was one of the people in Tahrir Square, because I wasn't… but anyone in Egypt or outside can agree that January 25, 2011 until February 11, 2011 really made history in Egypt…
Throughout this revolution, every time some changes were made I would think to myself “WOW, who thought this would happen in Egypt.” And I’d tell myself, “That’s it… what more do the people want… we’ve already taken leaps of advancement, they should know that’s all we’re getting. It’s time to go home!”
BUT… the people were determined and they had a BIGGER dream and they were persistent to achieve it…
February 11, 2011, around 6 p.m., The BIG announcement was made… the success of the Jan. 25th Revolution was announced… the people accomplished what they’ve dreamed for and worked very hard to achieve!

The "power of the people" proved to be stronger than anything else... their amazing will proved to miraculous...
I cannot begin to describe the look and feel of the Egyptian streets… it was beyond words can tell… you’d have to be there to know it… but it was unbelievable!
My reaction was quite delayed… I fell in complete and utter silence because I confused... I personally had very mixed feelings.
Disbelief… I wouldn’t have thought in a million years that the Mubarak regime would end, and above all end this way….
Happiness… for it was a successful revolution made by the people for the people no question asked…
Thankfulness... for all those who helped bring about this historical change...
Pride… for living and seeing this achievement and for knowing what Egyptians are capable of…
Relief... for knowing that those who died during these 18 days didn't die in vain... and again I send my gratitude, respect and condolences to their families and beloved ones...
Uncertainty… for we don’t know what is happening next… and I don’t think there will be certainty until September 2011 when we have a better vision for the future and things begin to stabilize...
Sadness… for I wished people would show a little more respect to someone who has served the country for over 30 years on many different levels, even if the system had many downfalls… He has been Egypt’s symbol for very long… and deep down I still really wished for a better exit for him…
Regret… For I have been very passive in the past… I have witnessed the change and not taken part in it… perhaps because deep down I never thought it would happen; now I know I’m wrong…
Optimism… for a better a future for Egypt…
Fear... for I'm worried we regret any of this in the future...
Trust… for now I know Egyptian people are stronger and more confident than before and they will not allow the country move anywhere but forward…
An even BIGGER trust… for I know God will never leave Egypt alone and that all will work for the benefit of the people and the country…
What happened yesterday is a HUGE success no question asked… however, I feel it’s the beginning of a loooooooong way to go for all of us…
We will have a new president which we hope would lead us to a better Egypt, but we need to work on ourselves as well to making Egypt better for us and no one else… all the little things that we don’t think they matter, they do…
Let us clean up the roads, listen to each other, respect each other, accept our differences, follow the traffic, show respect to people of all sorts of standards, help build Egypt, invest in the stock, travel internally, be fair, work ethically, smile at each other, be there for each other... and all the things we know we used to ignore before simply because everyone else was doing them... let's stop them because they all matter... and changing them will help us move forward!
This change is enormous… and it’ll take forever to happen again! So let’s make the best use out of it…
Let’s pray for Egypt… we have a long way to go… let’s come out of this experience stronger and more united so we can move forward…
Again… today I woke up knowing Egypt is different… knowing things will never be the same again… and although my feelings are still mixed up, I’m hoping it all works well for our country…
Long Live Egypt and God Bless Egypt At All Times…
YES...Egyptians DID IT
ReplyDeleteI hope just people don't insult Mubarak and show respect to what he did in his early years.
YUPS we did... and yup I very much agree to your second point!
ReplyDeleteCopts need to unite for Secular Egypt.
ReplyDeleteAlso please raise awareness to the church who got burned by Palestinians