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Sunday, July 31, 2011


Inspired by the trending twitter topic... here is a list of #ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person that you miss at all times...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person you hate remembering...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person you wish they were there...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person you wish you never met...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person you would do anything for...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person you can't standing talking to...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person you can't imagine life without...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person you wish they never existed...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who is always there for you...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who is never there when you need them...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who always comes first...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who is always late...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who knows how to make you laugh...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who does nothing but make you cry...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person you love for no good reason...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person you hate for no good reason...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who would never hurt you...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who does nothing but hurt you...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who know who to make you smile...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who knows who to piss you off... 

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who brings the best in you...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who brings the worst out of you...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person you just love being around...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person whom you wish they lived on a different planet...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who would do anything to be with you...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who can't stand being with you...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who means the world to you...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person whom you mean the world to...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person you always remember...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person you always forget...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person with whom you wish things were different...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person to whom you're indifferent...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who knows how to cheer you up...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who just brings you down...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person  who encourages you to move forward...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who pulls you back...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person you learn from...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who learns from you...

#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person you'd follow where ever they go, what they do...
#ThereIsAlwaysThat1Person who follows you where ever you go, what you do...

It's inevitable... you'll always meet all sorts of people... and they can't all be good or can't all be bad... life wouldn't be the same unless you meet them all and learn from them all...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

People In My Life!

Life is a roller coaster! I'm gonna try my best not to break my streak of positive posts ... however I gotta say life is sometimes too dynamic for me! Changes happen to fast... it's unbelievable! 

The people we meet in life and those whom we choose to be our friends, or they choose us, or it happened naturally (whatever and however it really was) are the people who define who we are to a big extent. They shape our habits, change who we are and we change who they are. They leave deep prints in our lives, memories we look back to and times we look forward...We share dream and hope for the future, we count on each other and we expect that we'll always be there for each other every step of the way, through thick and thin!

However, over the last 7 years it has been my destiny to get detached from the people I love and know...

In 2004 I basically had to say good bye to my childhood friends, maybe to my childhood as a whole... I left Saudi and came to Egypt for university in hopes of starting a better and more stable life! It took me a good 1 to 2 years to get used to these changes... For a while there I thought I didn't need friends, MSN was my good companion... 

During my first year in university (2004-2005), I stayed at the dorms... I met people there from the different walks of life; friends from different countries, from different provinces within Egypt, friend who came to Egypt just to study while their parents and families lived  elsewhere... AGAIN as I left the dorms and as we all graduated, each of them has gone back to where they came from... and again... 

With the end of university in 2008... life got pretty busy with all of us! Some work abroad, some work 24/7, some got married, some got kids... we've changed jobs, met new people, left the new people, met newer people... it's a vicious and endless cycle!

And again YESTERDAY... was the farewell of two of my very dear and few friends... both heading to better futures and careers  in other countries! And honestly, as much as I wish them great and amazing lives... I'm upset... enough already, I'd like to have some people stay where I am in life! These two particularly I wanted them around for ever and ever and ever! Ya we'll meet again for sure (it's not an option not to) but I'll truly miss them! 

Will this be the end of it? Not really! I'd be kidding myself! I myself want to leave and change my life! I know a few other good friends who want to leave! I know it's a natural part of life.. a normal progression... but it's a damn killer! A sad one! True technologies have made keeping in touch an easier thing. We can talk and see each other! But it's not the same as being physically there! Sometimes things happen on the spot and you want someone to be there right then and there! 

I might just wanna look at a friend, share eye contact knowing she knows what I'm thinking, call for emergency tips on life, get excited over something that happened, go on relaxing trip or shopping frenzy... or call to gossip... or cry to them or laugh with them or simply just know they're around! And technology is good, but it doesn't make all that same! 

So these are the people in my life... globally dispersed! It's a good chance to tell them all: you guys are and will be missed! And I'm really doing my best to keep in touch and will always do in hopes that things will be always be the same between us and that we'll SOON meet again!

U all know who you are! 

Lots of love!

- Sigh!

Monday, July 25, 2011

I Believe in Miracles...

Some where along the line... and despite things being dull sometimes, or even most of the times, I still deep down believe in miracles... I believe in happy endings... I believe that things get better... I believe good things happen to those who wait AND I believe the best is yet to come... 

I don't have a good reason for this sprout of positive thoughts and beliefs that I've been overwhelming myself with... However, I found out that believing that good things will happen makes you have a good perspective to life...

Believing in miracles gives you a reason to keep going... it makes you believe that if you work hard good things will happen and if you pray, your prayers are answered.

Many people think it's naive or stupid... sometimes I think it is... but if we don't see light at the end of the tunnel, why the hell are we still walking through the tunnel? Why don't we stop and quit and wait for life to end  and time to pass!

Miracles do happen.... I choose to believe that:
My family will always be with me...
I'll be happy...
The ones I love will be healthy and happy...
I'll be successful in my career...
I'll one day be famous...
Men like McSteamy and McDreamy do exist...
A pinkish, cheerful, happy love story exists...
My kids will believe I'm the best mom...
Every problem has a solution...
For every fight there is a make-up...
For every tear hours for laughter wait ahead of us... 
For every friend lost another one is gained... 
That people who hurt me will one day say sorry...
If something is meant to happen it will...
Fairy tales can come true...
Happy endings are possible endings... 
That everything happens to me for a good reason... 
That the best is yet come...
That a guarding angel with me... 

I simply believe there is light at the end of the tunnel and that's why I chose to walk through the tunnel!

Miracles do happen! Keep saying it to yourself and you'll believe it!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Busy Making Me Happy!

So... a few posts ago I took the decision that I'd be optimistic and that I won't let anything get to me and so far I'm impressing myself!

A few hinges here and there... but given I've been in horrible bad mood for a very a long time I have to say I'm doing pretty well! 

So let me tell you my theory... well it's not a theory as much as it is a realization! And pretty much a realization that I was being stupid! So anyhow... I've come in terms with the fact that no one gets everything they want... each one has a set of things that determine their level of happiness and satisfaction with life! For instance there is family, friends, relationships, school, work, your home, your car, your hobbies, your leisure time, the amount of stress you have, the amount of problems you have... bla bla bla! So I simply decided that if at any given point in time  I have four things in my life that are going well... I'm gonna be a happy person! In other words I've decided I'll be looking at the full half of the cup and completely ignoring the half empty!

I've realized that people with much bigger problems... and those who have gone through much more dramatic experiences manage be happy and cheerful.. hence.. why can't I be!? I realized I'm really making little things seem bigger than they are. I'm giving unworthy things and people more attention than they need or ever will need! 

Additionally I discovered some very simple techniques on how to be happier! I'm serious, not being philosophical... but seriously try them... convince yourself with them!
  • We're often tempted to complain... every time you start complaining STOP yourself...
  • Every time you come to post a negative status... find something positive to write or write something that doesn't make sense...
  • If a sad song starts playing... don't hear it! Listen to happy gilly stupid childhood song...
  • We pretty much know the people who pisses us off.. IGNORE THEM!
  • If a friend calls you to say let's go out and you're lazy... get up, dress up and go!
  • Dress up everyday like you're going to a party! Look your best... for you...
  • Whatever makes you happy do it! If its not going to work... don't! If it's eating ice cream... eat it! If it's shopping... shop! If it's being a nerd... so be it! Who cares about money, dieting or whatever.... do what makes you happy on the spot!
  • When you're inner voice discourages you.... tell him to go screw himself! Don't let the inner negative thoughts bug you...
  • Don't set limitations to yourself... be freakin confident at all times!
  • Tell yourself... someone, somewhere is sitting beating himself/herself cause they let you go!
  • Tell yourself... you're someone's dream!
  • No matter how you look or feel... walk around like your the hottest best thing in town!
  • Don't force yourself to be nice to someone you don't wanna be nice too! No one does the same anyways... 
  • Make a fool outta yourself and laugh about it! Don't give others a chance to hold it against you...
  • The past is the past... we really can't do anything about it!
  • If you said sorry once.. twice.. and even three times! If other person doesn't wanna let go... really! Screw him or her! You've done all there is to do!
  • Don't beat yourself up for things you can't control or change! Whatever... make the best of what you can change and what you got!
  • It's never the end of the world till you die... so as long as you're alive.. there is tomorrow and there is time for things to get better!
  • Always believe that the best is yet to come!
  • Never tell yourself that your dream are too big to come true!
  • If things are meant to happen... they will happen. Stop thinking about it! 
  • Creating scenarios in your head just gives you a headache... wait and see what will happen! Take it as it comes... 
  • Push yourself forward... never backward!
  • Brag about how good you are... never about how bad you are! Every one is messed up, don't be stupid to highlight it to people!
  • Finally... in arabic: SEBEHA 3ALA ALLAH! Leave it to God... He'll do what's best for you... seriously why are we worrying about it! He has a definite bigger vision for you...

I gotta tell you after my decision to just let go... keep smiling... and to be positive... which I took on July 17th... no very long ago.. things have started to get better! Believe me they did on every level; work, personal, family, friends, stress... just everything! TRUST me when you're bummed out and in bad mood... even if things are good you see them bad! So taking it positively... makes you see things positive... makes positive things happen to you!

Currently I'm busy making me happy.... you should do the same... it's worth it!


Wednesday, July 20, 2011


So Maslow is a pretty amazing guy I guess... he came up with a pyramid known as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs...  which looks something like this:

Anyhow, although I'm sure all of us know it, in brief, this pyramid explains our needs as humans; we start with basic physiological needs like having clothes and food; then safety like have a shelter; then love which you feel from family, friends and loved ones; then esteem which means you're confident and you feel you're developing and growing; and finally self actualization which means you feel damn good about how far you've gotten in life and you're achieving what you've hoped you'd achieve on the different levels of life!

Of course at the age of 25 I'm no where near self actualization... HOWEVER yesterday  I got into some debate at work... that made me that I've achieved, even for the day, what seemed to be esteem! Regardless of what the outcome of the debate was or will be... whether it was a success or not... the process itself was rewarding... gave me confidence.

It made me feel like I've grown at work... and despite the fact that the idea of growing up depresses me and scares me as one of my previous posts shows; the idea of growing at work is amazing! It's a boost to move forward; an indication that you're on the right track! This sense of achievement is kick-ass, when you realize you got the conversational, debate and analytical skills! It gave me more confidence in my capabilities... and trust in myself that I will one day get where I want to be! That my ambitions aren't impossible to achieve!

Maslow baby... here I come :) Make place for me on top of the pyramid! 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Decision To Be Optimistic...

So don't ask me why... I really have no good reason for it... but I'm sick and tired of being in a crappy mood either over things I cannot change, cannot control or things and people who aren't worth it!

So I've decided that for a change... a very big change... I'm gonna be optimistic... I'm gonna say: screw it and I'l enjoy my time!

I've been in grumpy mood for the last two years probably! For all the wrong and shitty reasons! Reasons, that I'm probably the only one holding on to while everyone else has simply moved on!

I don't blame others for my inability to move on... but if other involved people don't care then why the hell should I! I mean it; technically it doesn't make sense? If I'm upset a friend has been slacking off and not caring about a friendship lost then what the hell am I upset about! If I'm upset life hasn't turned out as planned in some areas... hell with it.. I'm going to enjoy whatever there is to enjoy!

I can't keep waiting for people to change or hoping they realize they've been asses to me! I can't sit here regretting things I've done or feeling guilty for shit I messed up in... I can't stay upset over opportunities lost! What ever history, is just history!

And I only blame myself for letting all those things get to me! Whatever... I'm moving on! I'm even pissed at myself for all the time I wasted on crappy people, things and feelings!

I'm really starting to feel jealous of people who have peace of mind! I mean for God's sake I deserve that too! And I know I should be telling this to myself before anyone else! Lately worrying about everything and anything has just made me this crappy unbearable person! I'm worrying about crap I seriously cannot do anything about! I'm carrying my weight and everyone else's over my freakin shoulders!

So ya... for a change I won't care about anyone but me... I won't let anything get to me! Too much worrying has made me feel like I'm 50... and I'm not! So I'm gonna act my age, which is 25 and I'm gonna have fun and be optimistic!

I'm gonna go back to being outgoing, fun, energetic, smiley and I'll gain back my sense of humor... which will be cheerful laughter rather than sad sarcastic irony!

Seriously, I've come to a conclusion... simply SCREW everything, nothing is worth it! No matter what you mention! :)

- Sigh!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Scare of the White Hair...

Most people, and particularly girls, would think I'm insane to openly speak about white hair at the age of 25!

But seriously... all the girls I know, even younger than me... we can't deny that the white hair does exist! Some of us just have 1 white hair... it's become part of the generation identification!

I don't know about others... but for me, seeing a white hair gives me scare... seeing a white hair means I'll be having a bad day! It seriously bugs me!

I don't know why it gets to me... but something about growing older makes me grumpy (which I assume is only natural)! And even if a white hair at the age of 25 probably means nothing... it still makes me feel old! It makes me feel older than 25, and that sucks! It makes me feel like time as passing and I need to do something about my life!

Every time I see a white hair I do feel older than the time before! It scares me... I keep asking myself is this the same one or a new one... and I keep hoping it's the same old one! I ask myself what I have done since the last time I've seen a white hair! When the answer is usually nothing, I'm even grumpier!

Most people laugh and tell me not to let it get to me... but it does! The white hair is annoying and depressing and frustrating! I don't like it! 

Some people tell me I'm stupid for saying I got white hair! BUT c'mon it's a fact... it's an inevitable part of life! All the girls I know have got their own white hair to worry about!

White hair is an urging reminder that I need to get up and do something about my life! It's an urgent reminder that time is ticking and that I am growing older (even if I deny it)!

It is seriously depressing! The white hair is my enemy! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pissed at ME...

I realized it is a lot easier being mad at someone than being mad at your own self.

I spoke earlier about the stupid moments we get in life and how we should try and avoid them. However, that doesn't mean I succeed at doing do every time.

This post is a post-stupid moment and I'm seriously pissed at myself. Regret is eating out my guts cause I could have easily avoided this situation I was put in or at least what I’m current feeling. And it annoys me that I voluntarily placed myself in these shoes.  

I took an action knowing it would lead to crappy endings and I couldn't stop myself from doing it.  I hate that I keep saying next time I'll be stronger, that I’ll have more self control, more sanity, more logic… that next time I'll stick to my own self vows... But I fail myself. And that’s the worst type of failing!

It's hard when you're angry and you can't take it out on anyone because you're the one to blame. You're the one to blame for making yourself look bad... You're the one to blame for your own self humility! The excuses you’re giving yourself don’t make any sense because you already knew it would end badly! Nothing could’ve possibly given you hope that results could be different.

I'm in lots of anger! Yesterday I took a decision to do something and as I did it I already knew I should slap myself on the face a good one. And now the aftermath of it is worst… this feeling of regret is a serious killer for me! And I can’t believe I did that to myself!

I'm back to having a knot in my stomach. This feeling as if I've seen is ghost is deeply hated. I hate it. I actually hate me right now!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


So I asked my friends on Facebook to help me find something to write about in my blog since I've been hit with a severe writer's BLOCK and the first two comments I got screamed "Weddings!"

So although my experience is bare minimum when it comes to weddings... I figured I can use my experience as a wedding attendee, bride's maid and sometimes maid of honor to take up the challenge and find something to write :)

So... Weddings! What's that all about? Technically; it's the ceremony that brings two loved ones together officially in front of the whole world! But is that the way the bride and groom see it! I doubt it!

The bride and groom, and particularly the bride I gotta say... usually have this vision of how their one special night would be. It's their vision and their vision only!

Personally I've attended several weddings... and sometimes I don't like the flowers, or the decorations, or the wedding dress... Sometimes I don't even like the bride or the groom! Sometimes I wish my friend ended up with a better person! Sometimes I get pissed off that such a beautiful couple would have such a miserable song for their first dance...

BUT then I look at them and find them happy! And there it is... the wedding isn't really about making the attendees happy... it's about the bride and groom and what would make them happy... if a crappy first dance has a special memory for them so be it... if she's comfortable with the worst designer dress so be it... if they can't afford the best and most sophisticated reception... who cares! What matters is that two people who love each other are getting married and are looking forward to a brilliant life together!

I'm going to be a maid of honor in an up coming wedding (inshalla as we say in Egypt) and my mission is to make my best friend, the soon to be bride, the happiest... my job is to make her wedding turn out the way she wants it to be... I might not love the color she picked for my dress but I'll wear it... I might not look the way I planned in her wedding; but her wedding will turn out the wants it to! AND I'm desperate for her to have a traditional wedding (katb ketab) in a mosque but she doesn't want it... But that's the point.. it's her wedding, the way she wants it...

So... that's how I see weddings... regardless of what they look like, how they're decorated, how they dress up and where they do it... if it makes them happy... it's a good wedding :)

Monday, July 4, 2011


Lately I haven't really posted much despite the fact that I've done through a lot... most of them were good stuff! And I thought I'd be rushing into my blog and writing about it... but unfortunately I wasn't moved enough...

I realized that at the back of my head there are always things that hinder the process of actually enjoying something to the maximum...

I realized that despite whatever distraction you get if something is at the back of my head; it remains there!

I'm bored of writing sad and depressing posts. I wanna sign in and be excited about something and write a good, positive and cheerful post!

Seriously life is just another day... and that's crap!
