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Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Well... forgiveness is a power and a skill that I personally think when you have it is a blessing...

I'm not claiming I'm talented at it... or that I always manage to forgive the people that hurt or upset me, but to a very large extent I am a forgiving person most of the time...

However, I gotta admit that lately there are some stuff that I just couldn't let go... some stuff that have just left a deeply rooted print in my feelings & memory that I couldn't manage to let go... and it's not because I can't forgive whoever that person is, but it’s because they don't try to ask for forgiveness... like they're asking you to accept it and live with it... which as a matter of fact sucks and hurts even more!

I'm not saying that I haven't been the one to hurt some people before... of course I've been there and done that and I probably did it a lot... both intentionally and unintentionally... but every single time I do and realize I did, I always go back and ask for forgiveness... true some people don't accept it... and that hurts a lot; to know that you've hurt someone you care about that way... but I know deep down inside they do appreciate the fact that I care to apologize and ask for it.... because that's how I feel when someone does; and in the end of the day we're all human!

I just think people should apologize and ask for forgiveness to show that they care... and I believe that if someone does apologize the other person should accept it, 'cause we all hurt people along the way in some way or the other... and we all need a second chance to make things better...

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