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Monday, December 13, 2010

My Sanctuary...

Each person has his or her sanctuary… the place where they feel most comfortable and probably safe.

Well, my sanctuary is "my car!”

It may seem ridiculous to many people that a person driving in Cairo would consider their car their sanctuary given the traffic jams, the stress, the crazy drivers, the crazy pedestrians, and frequently the crazy animals…

But I just LOVE it!

I’d have to agree though that I can’t consider this sanctuary exactly safe, but let me tell you why…

My car is the only place where I’m completely alone… I don’t hate being around people, but sometimes I just like being alone…

Sometimes I just need a private moment with myself and I feel like my life lacks any sort of privacy, I don’t have any time just for me; there are always people around…

In my car I can:
  • Talk to myself as much as I want,
  • Think as much as I want (given the traffic and long hours spent there, I get a good opportunity to think),
  • Plan my day,
  • Make my calls (since I’m not comfortable speaking on the phone around people), 
  • Listen to music, 
  • Listen to the corny music I used to hear back in school (lol),
  • Sing aloud when I feel like it (regardless of how bad my voice is), 
  • Cry on tensed days, 
  • Roll down the windows and let the air hit me (on relatively empty days),
  • Think aloud, 
  • Laugh aloud, 
  • Trash talk other drivers as much as I want, 
  • Speed up if I want to… 
I can’t explain I guess, but it’s just “me, myself and I.” I love who I am when I’m alone in my car… if that makes any sense… In fact it’s sometimes the highlight of my day… the time of day I look forward to… it’s my escape… it’s “ME TIME!”

Sometimes my favorite day is a day when I have a long drive, traffic is smooth, windows rolled down, music playing & I'm singing like no one is watching :)

My car is my sanctuary… and I love it!


  1. haha! I can relate :) We do create those very special bonds with our cars - and the singing out loud like maniacs is what we do best in our cars! haha I'll be sad to see my car go!

  2. I think your car needs the break though :p
